
Showing posts from January, 2017

What one means by 'courage'.

Courage . What is it ? Is it a something we create ? Or is it within us? I say it's a mixture of both. There have been people who have left me alone when I needed them the most. To me , courage is being alone and meeting all challenges all by myself. At first you always feel the brunt of the loneliness but later you just get used to it and stop getting bothered by those people who clearly shouldn't matter to you. Facing the world alone takes nerves and that bravery comes with time. There are also always going to be people who try to show you down all the time. Those people can never tolerate your success and yet you put up with them just because you don't want to loose them and they are important to you. It's like blind and impaired love. Courage is finding the voice inside your heart and not letting them control the reins to your life. Courage is finding that respect for yourself which is greater than your love or obsession with this person who doesn't respe

The tree's warning

Hello, people of the world. So, its 2017 and I am sure while all of our lives have changed, there have been things in the world which should have changed and haven't. One such important thing is the condition of the environment at the hands of us i.e. humans. So, here is a poem I have written with the help of two of my college mates. The poem is in the perspective of a tree and its condition through ages. Here it goes, I live in a rain forest Which had been filled with greenery, Before humans, that had once been modest, Sliced my brethren for their gluttony. They processed the wood of their trunks' To make paper and benches in classrooms. The instruments which provided chunks Of wisdom to create of children, an intelligent platoon. They use us like they used  us then, To make progress with their race. The difference however is felt In how us, for themselves they efface. Their once was a time wherein Famous sages would rest under my foliage And teac