Pink Skies

That fine Saturday evening, the sun hid behind The clouds in the magnificent pink sky, And it was the most amazing nature’s delight I had witnessed in quite a while. I remember you and me, Holding hands and standing near the windowsill, As I rested my head gently on your shoulders While we sipped coffee still. Since that time I fell in love With pink skies during twilight. And at that hour, everyday, I’d give you a call As it caressed my face, the soft sunlight. My eyes would await the blush tones Everyday and every night. When they lingered on, they always felt like home For I felt at my safest and closest to your might. A day came when I opened the windows with glee Expecting pink skies but witnessing bloodshot instead. I couldn’t fathom and instantly quivered, Called you up to feel a bit safe. But you didn’t pick up, kept leaving me on hold, I hastily shut the blinds; And I swear tha...