Genevieve's Search

Palatial walls seemed like cages while the dresses that had once made her feel beautiful, all looked like a waste to Genevieve. She had always lived protected; after all she was the only daughter of the Duke of Barca. However, amidst all these endless luxuries, she still felt like something was missing. She felt like an empty vessel which would never feel full despite her trying to fill it with her favourite jewellery, bags or even her lovely books. 

Worried about the fact that she was having a mid-life crisis, she decided to disclose her plight to her mother. She held Genevieve’s face in her hand and told her, “I think it’s time to find you a worthy man. That will fill up this void inside of you for sure.”

Genevieve looked up at her and smiled. She was glad that she had now found a silver lining to her cloud of distress. She thought to herself that once she found the right one for her, she would have to be the most joyous woman in the world. Chanting this in her head, she fell asleep, a bit more peacefully. 

The next day, Genevieve’s parents, the honourable, Duke and Duchess, had held a competition to find the perfect one for their daughter. Wearing a royal blue gown, Genevieve sat in the box above the amphitheater, looking like a queen. The audience looked up in awe at her and she could swear she heard oomphs from the crowd. Although, this appreciation would have made her happy at one point of time, she now felt indifferent. While she was worried about that fact, there was still hope because she knew today she would find the one who would make her the happiest woman in the world.  

She looked down at her suitors. Some of them looked valiant, others looked charming. She was wondering who could sweep her off her feet. The only anomaly in the group, nonetheless, was that amongst them stood a dark shadow. 

The trumpets were blown and the men were called upon to declare their love. It was for Genevieve to decide which one of these noble hearts deserved her soul. 

The first one to present was the Count of Fara. He looked fierce with a quiver hanging on his back and a sword swinging around his hips. He looked towards the box and straight into her eyes, bowed down and turned, facing directly towards the archery board set up on the other end of the theatre. Slowly he took out an arrow from the quiver, loaded it up in the bow and aimed at the board. The arrow ended up in the exact middle . He then looked up at Genevieve once again and bowed out. “He seems like the perfect warrior”, she thought to herself. 

Next came in the charming Prince of Malia. He went up to the box, sat on his knees and kissed Genvieve’s hand. Following this, he asked her for a waltz. The two of them shared the perfect moment on the floor and there was no denying that he was a wonderful dancer. People cheered them on, and a lot of the crowd even melted in their seats. 

After this, the soft and romantic Earl of Lart came on. He cleared his throat and recited the most beautiful poetry pertaining to his bride to be. Everyone was quite impressed. 

Following this, there came on the dark shadow Genevieve had noticed earlier. There was a silence in the auditorium because it was quite unusual. The shadow just stood there, doing nothing and looking glum. And while the crowd booed on, Genevieve got up and rode down to it. She faced the shadow and held out her hand. Surprisingly, the shadow did the same things. She then twirled around and the shadow followed in the footsteps. Something about the shadow felt familiar and warm. Genevieve just stared at it until she burst out in tears. 

The entire crowd was perplexed. The brave count rushed with his sword to cut off the shadow, the charming prince ran towards the floor to escort Genevieve out while the Duke couldn’t handle seeing his dear daughter in tears and so he ordered the guards to arrest the shadow. But before all of them could reach and tie down the shadow, there came a sharp voice, “Stop...” And there she was, Genevieve. This time, she was beaming while tears still flowed down her face. This is when everyone realised those are but tears of joy.

Everyone just stared on standing where they were while the shadow lighted up and turned golden only to merge up into Genevieve who was laughing and hugging herself. She then looked around her, caught her breath and announced, “I have found who I was looking for and I have never been happier. You can all go now.” 

After the crowd dispersed and the other suitors left with heads hanging, the Duke and the Duchess, still worried about their daughter, asked her what was going on. This is when she took a breath, smiled and told them, “For a lifetime, I have been known for being someone’s daughter. Therefore, I have never felt enough being just myself. If I had decided to marry today, I would have been known for being someone’s wife. But what I really needed was to embrace my own identity, separate from anyone else's. And that is what the shadow reminded me, that no one can fill my soul till I don’t feel complete within. It made me realise me that I don't need anyone else to make me feel worthy and that is why I chose it; for ultimately the shadow is me and I choose me every time.”

Saying this she treaded on, dancing in ecstasy while her parents stood by gaping. She knew now that she didn't need to be in anyone else's shadow but hers. She could go on loving herself, no other form of affection could make her feel as much at peace.


  1. Nyce Imagination n Expression Indeed
    Need to understand deeply ,
    An expert writing ,one can't break without reaching End
    A lot Good wishes to my loving Grand Daughter ANUSHKA

    1. Thank you for your enthusiastic feedback. Hope you keep coming back for more. Please subscribe to get updates about new posts. ❤️

  2. Very well written Anushka
    It is story of all' the girls and ladies can relate to
    Few years back when I was only a homemaker I wanted my own identity because till that that I was daughter of someone and wife of someone but no one new by my work
    Then i started my crafting and now most of the people from Ahmedabad,and all over India and outside India know me by Craftology by Rinkal Gupta
    Superb Poem
    Keep it up

    1. Thank you for your kind feedback and sharing your inspiring story. Glad you could relate to this post. Please subscribe and follow for regular updates. Readers like you are what keeps me going ❤️

    2. A rolled out masterpiece once again. Too good. Loved the flow, depth and its presentation.
      Keep going keep growing

    3. Thanks for your much valued feedback. It is people like you who inspire me to keep writing. Do subscribe to never miss a post ❤️

  3. Impressive, Anushka. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. When I discover who I am, I'll be free.... Keep it up.. 😍

    1. Thank you for always giving a feedback and for reading each piece with such discipline. Readers like you is what any writer needs to be able to grow. Do subscribe to never miss a post ❤️

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  6. Always a pleasure reading your idea of intricate human values.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you keep reading and leaving such wonderful feedbacks. Do subscribe to get regular updates ❤️


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