
Showing posts from May, 2020

Genting Dream Cruise: The Experience of a Lifetime

Ship exterior (Source: Wikipedia ) A glorious experience to enjoy if you happen to visit Singapore is the Genting Dream Cruise. It is a luxurious cruise line connecting several Asian destinations. We had selected one that travelled between Singapore and Malaysia. Since we had limited time on our hands, we had decided to go for a two night, three day trip. However, if you want to explore the cruise fully, I recommend you to book it for a longer time period. The Arrival  View from the room balcony The first thing we did was arrive at the The Marina Bay Cruise Centre for the check in formalities. That was one experience that wasn’t so rosy as we had to wait in really long queues before the final boarding. However, the wait was worth it because the fruit at the end was extremely exciting.  We walked up the connecting ramp to witness a huge ship covered with colourful graffiti that shouted holiday like nothing else.  We were then escorted to our respective ro

Stuck in Limbo

Two islands sit Divided by but a limbo stick, And all my kith and kin pass through,  Coming out on the other side, they succeed. There I am in the queue, “You’re the next in view”, they spew; So, there I am bending down Under the stick but never through .  And I am now stuck in limbo  Quite literally I vow ; The ones behind me pass by  Without giving me so much as a second dekko.  One fine day while still being stuck  I see another one by me but, A stranger he be and I know not  Whether to stay aloof or let him hold my trust.  The stranger smiles up Touches my hand thus. Says one won’t pass without the other,  I promise come out will none or the both of us . But the next morn I wake, To see the stranger has left unfazed. Pushed forward in the cycle he was, Left me behind, got himself through and safe. Yet there I was still hung While thousand strangers flung; Stuck till they weren’t anymore,  In the end to leave

Beauty Steeped in Modernity: Changi Airport and Gardens by the Bay

In January, 2019, my maternal family of around 20 people had decided to plan a 10-day trip together. The condition was that the trip had to be abroad, due to the fact that my grandfather had never been to a foreign land before. After a discussion of about six long months with relation to the place to select, we finally settled on Singapore. The selection was quite obvious; it was due to the high level of development in the cosmopolitan South Asian island.  Arrival at the Changi Airport Crystal Garden On 24 July, 2019, we landed at the popular Changi airport and were instantly mesmerised. There was so much to see even in there. Despite the little time we had on our hands, we still managed to sneak a peek at a few indoor gardens such as the vivid arrival garden as well as the bejewelled crystal garden. Kinetic Rain We were also lucky to be able to witness a few installations which were a combination of science and art. These included the 'Kinetic Rain' w

Move On?

Source: Ananya Gupta ( ) Scars on my body could never have sufficed, The torture you exerted on my mind. I can still feel your hand caressing my hair  While you said I should entirely change myself. I can still feel my heartbeat rise  Every time I think about our routine fights.  Each day my heart still breaks  When I think about your words filled of hate; And every day I wish you would have still been The one I had once met, the one I shared my heart with. Wounds that you left on my soul, have stolen away my faith, They've left me broken and bleeding in pain. I wished to remember you with glee But now your thoughts only remind me of me; How you broke me down from inside, How you never stood by my side. I needed you , I admit  And this admission breaks my heart to bits. You said you loved me with our hands entwined But such love I hope no one ever finds;  And when I tell my story out loud  The

The Girl with Heart on Her Sleeve

Artist: Ankit Mudgil ( ) There she goes, the girl  With her heart on her sleeve, Across the green meadows she weaves, In her head a thousand dreams.  And as she is dancing by, the wind Blows off the heart and sets it upon a tree; So, she takes it in her stead to grow it till It’s big enough to be free.  The tree once cared for and nourished  Decides to branch the heart out to bees, Since it no longer desires her deeds To keep itself gay and green.  The girl now a caretaker of the bees Decides to help them collect nectar sweet, To keep them fed and keep them glee  For she truly loves them she feels.  Nonetheless, the bees turn out ungrateful , Sucking on her concern but remaining deceitful. They decide to give her heart a sting painful  And fly it down to the stream unfaithful. The stream bends in every direction Taking the broken heart at its discretion; However not choosing