Movies attempts from books

Hello, people of the world ! So it's a long time since I have posted things. But, finally here I am back to pavilion with a new article for you on a topic which is very personal to me. Yes, I am a really bad and strict critic when it comes to motion pictures made out of books. Maybe the most obvious reason is that I am an ardent reader and I am a bibliophile to that level that I can't tolerate change in the portrayal of something that has been written.

So, when I read a book I read it so consciously that most of the times it seems that I remember if a part has been altered or skipped from the movie franchise based on the book. Of course , like any other fan I love it when a film is being developed on a book I had or am investing my time on. But it's mostly when expectations do not seem to meet reality that I get really disappointed and my anger flares on the actors as well as film makers.

I agree that directing a movie and bringing a book which takes several weeks to read alive on the screen within a constraint of 2 hours or so is a difficult task. But what I am asking for is not replication, I am merely asking for something that gives you a brief experience of the book. Apart from that character development is something that needs due attention when it comes to bringing people's imagination to the screen because as we all know, when we read, we imagine a character and situations to be the way they are in our mind in real lives as well. If the exact description of a character is not followed a little effort can at least be made to make it similar to the book's standards.

So coming to the movies I have been disappointed with , I was greatly disappointed with divergent because a lot of plots in the book are missing and the movie doesn't follow the timeline of the book either. The ages of the characters have been increased and though actors have done a great job , Shaylene Woodley does not fit the description of Tris. Yes I agree with all the girls of the world that Theo James makes for a charming Tobias but he is too old for the role. The same goes with 'City of Bones' where Clary is supposed to be having fiery red hair and it is her trademark but Lily Collins is just shown as a brunette. Also the guy who plays Jace is not up to the mark. I was greatly dissapointed with the movie version of Percy Jackson as well as it doesnot follow the book at all especially with Percy being so old and meeting Tyson at the camp and not at school and with Annabeth being a brunette in the lightening their.

There is no doubt that there have been some great book based movies like 'Harry Potter' series which shows a great understanding of character and plot. I was deeply impressed by Hunger Games as it tries to accommodate the entire book into a movie and the characters are perfect. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an excellent example as well , plus the movie version surpasses the book as well and is way above average.

But, the development of good movies from books has been fewer in number as compared to the good ones. At least that's what I feel because I watch so closely.

Anyways , sorry if this article bored you or I went above par with my emotions because I am very sensitive about this topic and I always wanted to write on this.

So toodles for now, please wait for my next post and keep reading. :)


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