
Showing posts from November, 2014

The theory of 'What goes around comes around'

Hey people of the world. I am your one and only bae and today I want to discuss with you the analysis of this phrase 'What goes around comes around.' Well, has it ever happened in your life that you feel exactly like you made a certain person feel and then realize you shouldn't have hurt them. Well it has definitely happened with me. Through personal experience I can totally remember that when I did anything wrong with anyone, the same thing happened to me and when someone did anything wrong to me the same thing happened to them. Well for example I had a small fight with a friend of mine in school. We were kids back then. So the fight was just stupid and it did get solved pretty easy. But, my friend held some grudges against me and she thought the fight was my fault. So what she did was she ruined my school trip and then she got all my friends to her side and left me all alone. That phase was so difficult for me for I had no single friend. Anyway I got over that stag

Poem: Metamorphosis of Woman

She used to crawl about Like an insignificant caterpillar, Weak and needing support throughout Hiding herself in the grass, her world. She could then be bullied around; She could then be tamed; She could then be taught what to be And live within rules, for her the society had made. Years passed and she Then turned into a cucoon, Gradual the process was And through surroundings was Slown. She was calm and silent, Listening to the world While stratergizing her future to come. She then used to hide And wait for herself to find The freedom she had long deserved. Now is the age  When she has come to the stage, Matured, into a butterfly, Beautiful and colorful, Spreading her wings all And flying towards mighty sky. She is now her own boss, No more anyone can bully her around; No more can anyone tame her. She has now the freedom, The independence she had long deserved Falls now at her feet. Yes,she is a woman Who has undergone this major metamorphosis  And

Poem: I dream

In this darkness, I sit by the harness And think about my life Years away from this time. There I am now, Trying to row My ways through the present To reach my dream land, my heaven. I dream that I will one day, Shine as a pearl in the sun. I will then reach there, Where my glow no one can rust. I dream that I will spread my voice, And express my choice. That day I will live on my own; Fulfill all wishes so long I have borne. I dream I will be so tall, So tall, no one can make me fall. Everyone will then have to raise their heads Just to get my one glance. I dream that I will reach places No one else has ever reached, Places where everyone is happy And all can look up to me. Lastly, I dream to never loose my power, To dream and fill my life of colour; To always have some desire To look forward to all filled of fire.                                         - Anushka Gupta                                         

Poem: The magic of a book

I read, I read Till I fall asleep. Oh! How I love the odour Of all these pages filled of colour; Not for the actual shades, But, for the words that give them shape. Every sentence I read I try to feed in my mind; Every lesson I learn I try to adopt in my life. New words I discover And old ones I rrecover; As I read through every para With a new aura. Yes, that is the magic of a book, For to itself it hooks; Brings new thoughts to you And changes the lives of few.

How to be popular!

Hey people of the world. This is your one and only bae and today I am going to give you some very easy steps on being popular. First, I really think that the people who think being popular is all about being the in crowd, I really do not agree. Popularity mainly means being liked and I don't think the people in the so called 'in crowd' or basically people with the 'I am something' attitude are really liked by others. However popular they think they are, they actually are not. Basically my definition of popular is when you are liked by people for what you are. It doesn't have to necessarily mean you are extremely talented or good looking. No. You just need to be someone who people think is always there if they are in trouble. You have to be someone who is a friend to everyone and someone who most of the people look up to. It is not necessary that you are everyone's best friend. But, you should be there when they need you; you should be sensitive enough

Poem: Disguise

Oh! Tell me; What you see in the mirror. Is it you, Or is it someone you have made yourself resemble? Is that laugh real, Or is it just a disguise? The one you wear of fear, For avoiding to let show what you are inside. Are those friends Your true ones, Or are they there Just because they are popular ones? Do you really Want to be this person, Or are you her Because she provides you the status? Do you really want to be, Among these people you don't understand, Or do you want to be with those, Who like you just where you stand? Why wear this disguise then? Why be purposely unhappy? Is it just because you want to be accepted, Or because you are ashamed of being yourself?                                                        -Anushka Gupta


Do you remember, Those days so bright? When every member Thought you were his light. You were someone indeed To everyone of them; And no one used to feed On your money and fame. Everyone was true, None was fake And they loved you For all your vague. They appreciated you In their own ways; Respected you And expected no pays. But, now my dear You are popular, And that has truly Become your biggest fear. For no one's real And no one cares, About all your zeal And your dares. The only reason They want you, Is for your all season Popularity that is never due.                                  -Anushka Gupta

Book review : Remember me?

Hey people of the world , welcome to my blog. I am your one and only bae and today I am going to let you in on the review of this book by Sophie Kinsella that I just read, 'Remember me?'. First of all , for all you romantics , this book is totally for you. It has a wonderful love story involved. The story is basically about Lexi. She is a 28 year old who loses her memory of the last three years of her life. It shows how Lexi tracks the three lost years of her life and discovers mysteries about herself. This book is also pretty motivational in some ways as it shows how a clumsy girl can turn into a leader with an aim. It also shows how many a times what appears is not the truth and money is certainly not the factor for a happy life. This book is a good read for people looking for relaxation and a light read. Its quite humorous and there are places where you totally want to laugh aloud. Before you remember 'Mont Blanc' . No I am not going to tell you what that means ( a