Book review : Remember me?

Hey people of the world , welcome to my blog. I am your one and only bae and today I am going to let you in on the review of this book by Sophie Kinsella that I just read, 'Remember me?'. First of all , for all you romantics , this book is totally for you. It has a wonderful love story involved. The story is basically about Lexi. She is a 28 year old who loses her memory of the last three years of her life. It shows how Lexi tracks the three lost years of her life and discovers mysteries about herself. This book is also pretty motivational in some ways as it shows how a clumsy girl can turn into a leader with an aim. It also shows how many a times what appears is not the truth and money is certainly not the factor for a happy life. This book is a good read for people looking for relaxation and a light read. Its quite humorous and there are places where you totally want to laugh aloud. Before you remember 'Mont Blanc' . No I am not going to tell you what that means ( and I am not talking about the pen company) you will come across it when you read the book. So for those of you who love love stories , humour and happy ending, you should totally grab this book because it is totally your read. 


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