How to be popular!

Hey people of the world. This is your one and only bae and today I am going to give you some very easy steps on being popular.

First, I really think that the people who think being popular is all about being the in crowd, I really do not agree. Popularity mainly means being liked and I don't think the people in the so called 'in crowd' or basically people with the 'I am something' attitude are really liked by others. However popular they think they are, they actually are not.

Basically my definition of popular is when you are liked by people for what you are. It doesn't have to necessarily mean you are extremely talented or good looking. No. You just need to be someone who people think is always there if they are in trouble. You have to be someone who is a friend to everyone and someone who most of the people look up to. It is not necessary that you are everyone's best friend. But, you should be there when they need you; you should be sensitive enough to their problems and most of all respect everyone.

Also, I think for a start you can pass on a smile to everyone that passes you. That actually encourages people to know you. Or you can say a hi to everyone that passes if you are not shy enough.

I for example have never really been popular. While I was in high school I was a very average person. Now that I am in college most of my  seniors whom I don't know , know me because I have put whatever I said above into implementation. Plus this tecnique of popularity gives you inward satisfaction because you know you are not being fake and yet you are popular.

So, don't think of being popular as being famous think about it as just being liked. Think about it as giving happiness to others. Let them be happy to know you and to see you. This way , one day the whole world will know you for what you are.


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